Welcome to ALS REAL TIME

ALS (Arethos Logistic System) is the ideal solution which permit your organization to streamline operations of your Transportation Business.
ALS will enables you to submit and download ACE and ACI eManifest directly from the Application. Client can make important documents specifically from the Software including: Trip route, Load details, Invoices, Confirmations Reports and a great deal more.
ALS have one of a kind Tracking highlight which enables the client to track Real Time Location of Customers, Driver/Truck and Trip.
- Efficiency and Workflow
- Easy to understand workflow-based user interface
- Simplified submission process for Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) and Advance Commercial Information (ACI) eManifest to customs.
- Availability of routes and schedules information on mobile devices such as iPhone, Android and Google Play.
- Electronic submission of load documents to custom broker.
- Generate Invoice in different formats such as .pdf, doc.
- Interactive Dashboard for decision making.
- Easy to maintain Driver Daily Log.
- Easy to customize theAlert Notification Templates.
- Interactive Geographical Route Information.
- Enter information only one time and auto fill later.
- Set taxes based on your locations (HST, GST, PST, etc)
- Your business is supported by outstanding operational customs knowledge and expertise.
- Mobile App for driver dispatch.
- Fleet management includes: Vehicle tracking, Fleet security and control, Mechanical diagnostics and much more.
- Fax and Email confirmations.
- Reporting related to Transportation Documentations.
- Master User settings to control isolation and other security highlights.
- Network security
- Reduce printed material and documenting.
- Develops with your business.
- Proficient work process to save time and cash.
- Increase profitability through ease of use.